Current players: 28 / 64 | 0 bots
Average player count: 26.2
Current map: ze_CV_LOSII_Castle_Siege_b4
Server mod: Zombie Escape
Server location: Astrakhan, 07, RU •
Server type: Dedicated
Server status: Active
Server OS: Linux
VAC: Secured
Password: No
Rating: 50.0%
Player name | Score | Time on server |
С-Пб 78 RUS | 0 | 09:30:38 |
Arlex_rick | 0 | 09:28:58 |
hero_0320 | 0 | 09:27:28 |
tafracan | 0 | 09:26:08 |
___ШУРИК___ | 0 | 09:24:58 |
_Turbo Hard_ Женёк | 0 | 09:24:08 |
Em | 0 | 09:22:08 |
Ziggi_play\/ | 0 | 09:20:58 |
skrin | 0 | 07:48:17 |
Feanor | 0 | 07:47:17 |
^^srav pes na oves^2 | 0 | 07:46:17 |
MaLikkk | 0 | 07:45:17 |
кореКТор !!! | 0 | 07:43:17 |
Wuotan | 0 | 07:41:57 |
Cat Behemoth | 0 | 07:40:27 |
nik84 | 0 | 07:35:37 |
А.К. | 0 | 07:34:37 |
xG|Resser733 | 0 | 07:32:57 |
Jurij | 0 | 07:32:27 |
БоДя | 0 | 07:30:37 |
sheleshko | 0 | 07:29:17 |
[MupoH_HopuM] | 0 | 07:27:27 |
[P]. Slevin.! | 0 | 07:26:37 |
Amsterdam | 0 | 07:24:37 |
RONIN 1389 | 0 | 07:07:07 |
OneShot|TheLegend|Pwned | 0 | 07:05:57 |
?З¦а¦я¦Ц?™ | 0 | 00:05:16 |
K4LIF0V | 0 | 00:03:46 |
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