Current players: 26 / 64 | 0 bots
Average player count: 25.2
Current map: zm_blockcity
Server mod: Zombie Mode
Server type: Dedicated
Server status: Active
Server OS: Linux
VAC: Secured
Password: No
Rating: 50.0%
Player name | Score | Time on server |
I7a17o4Ka | 0 | 11:34:21 |
Cookie | 0 | 11:32:31 |
SON GOKU | 0 | 11:31:31 |
питачёк | 0 | 06:28:40 |
Raktor | 0 | 06:23:40 |
111111 | 0 | 06:10:30 |
batman nenormalnoludiq viede | 0 | 05:39:20 |
Foxi | 0 | 05:38:30 |
kAITSU | 0 | 05:37:20 |
-=st@fford=- | 0 | 05:35:50 |
P3$#MERG4 | 0 | 05:35:00 |
БАКА-Svolo4 | 0 | 05:33:30 |
S.i.m.b.a | 0 | 05:31:50 |
Kim 4en bIn | 0 | 05:30:40 |
mr.ZloVreD_74rus | 0 | 05:29:20 |
7.62мм | 0 | 05:27:20 |
[PN]Mr.PigMANN | 0 | 02:33:20 |
ебу гусей за 5 руб | 0 | 02:31:30 |
Блуждающий волк | 0 | 02:29:30 |
bbb | 0 | 02:28:40 |
sy4ok | 0 | 02:27:40 |
kAITSU | 0 | 02:26:10 |
DrMan | 0 | 02:24:50 |
Michaelz0r ( music on - no WH) | 0 | 02:23:10 |
Dubstep music | 0 | 02:22:30 |
Ты | 0 | 02:21:40 |
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