Current players: 22 / 32 | 0 bots
Average player count: 26.2
Current map: zm_scrapyard_remake_csgo_fix
Server mod: Zombie Mode
Server type: Dedicated
Server status: Inactive
Server OS: Linux
VAC: Secured
Password: No
Rating: 50.0%
Player name | Score | Time on server |
0 | 30:46:26 | |
0 | 30:46:26 | |
0 | 30:46:26 | |
0 | 30:46:26 | |
0 | 30:46:26 | |
0 | 30:46:26 | |
0 | 30:46:26 | |
0 | 30:46:26 | |
0 | 30:46:26 | |
0 | 30:46:26 | |
херобрин | 0 | 01:42:09 |
ReZZoRRo | 0 | 01:41:19 |
-=st@fford=- | 0 | 01:39:59 |
LionShadow_RUS | 0 | 01:37:59 |
nevezuha | 0 | 01:36:09 |
Бодя | 0 | 01:34:19 |
Orteza | 0 | 01:33:29 |
Мистер Питкин | 0 | 01:31:49 |
GreH | 0 | 01:30:49 |
Лолик_анаболик | 0 | 01:02:39 |
?(WilD)Wolverine? (CANbKA) | 0 | 00:13:29 |
Shaitan | 0 | 00:11:09 |
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