Current players: 25 / 64 | 0 bots
Average player count: 24.0
Current map: zm_minecraft
Server mod: Zombie Mode
Server location: Astrakhan, 07, RU •
Server type: Dedicated
Server status: Active
Server OS: Linux
VAC: Secured
Password: No
Rating: 50.0%
Player name | Score | Time on server |
Sw@gg3r | 0 | 04:38:46 |
Don Carleone | 0 | 04:38:16 |
Rakim | 0 | 04:29:36 |
Juba[Baghdad sniper] | 0 | 04:27:56 |
kj | 0 | 04:20:06 |
SHOKRAN | 0 | 04:17:47 |
Мастер клитора | 0 | 04:16:27 |
BaNNeD | 0 | 04:15:17 |
The Vigilante | 0 | 04:13:37 |
low- | 0 | 04:12:27 |
ybuvahka | 0 | 04:11:47 |
ВИКУЛЯ | 0 | 04:10:27 |
kj | 0 | 04:08:57 |
ReZZoRRo | 0 | 04:08:17 |
Рак неудачи | 0 | 04:06:57 |
УжыК БеЗ нОжЫк | 0 | 02:43:18 |
_gROOv_ | 0 | 02:41:28 |
?(WilD)Wolverine? (CANbKA) | 0 | 02:39:48 |
Мистер Питкин | 0 | 02:38:18 |
naftolkal_i_zabil | 0 | 02:37:28 |
3.14zdec | 0 | 02:35:28 |
K O L H O Z N I K | 0 | 02:33:28 |
HStorm' | 0 | 02:31:38 |
JS | 0 | 02:30:18 |
А.К. | 0 | 02:28:18 |
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