Current players: 39 / 100 | 0 bots
Average player count: 49.7
Current map: cloud_muxa_v8
Server mod: None
Server location: , , RU •
Server type: Dedicated
Server status: Active
Server OS: Linux
VAC: Un-Secured
Password: No
Rating: 50.0%
Player name | Score | Time on server |
Володя | 9 | 30:03:32 |
Player-Killer | 4 | 18:41:19 |
Underground | 2 | 10:29:40 |
Albert Tripledick Bittleton II | 0 | 09:38:56 |
TANzer0罰 | 2 | 09:19:31 |
Буба Бубиков | 0 | 06:54:42 |
Potato7161_66 | 3 | 05:28:51 |
не поймешь) | 10 | 04:22:23 |
K1nDeR | 7 | 04:09:08 |
zxc-обосрусер | 0 | 03:08:21 |
[GM]-SpaRKy | 0 | 03:06:36 |
One_Game_X | 15 | 03:05:08 |
гений амбасадор! | 8 | 02:41:14 |
potemkinas-v | 1 | 02:22:23 |
fаnеrа | 1 | 02:18:55 |
Las | 1 | 02:16:35 |
ZOV #FREEDUROV | 5 | 02:00:27 |
Andrei_Cool777 | 0 | 01:55:09 |
отходняк боржоми | 15 | 01:54:58 |
Gromrod | 0 | 01:54:18 |
Krezi_krezov | 1 | 01:51:34 |
sperman | -2 | 01:31:21 |
Azirat | 0 | 01:24:06 |
〘FRH〙Megumin - めぐみん | 0 | 01:14:36 |
тоджа | 1 | 01:11:39 |
zefa | 1 | 01:02:53 |
King Dima | 0 | 00:46:18 |
phoen1kxx | 0 | 00:38:12 |
Loki | 0 | 00:37:27 |
tasay288 | 0 | 00:36:41 |
ДЖАМБО | 2 | 00:25:14 |
minych | 0 | 00:22:13 |
coda | 0 | 00:18:20 |
Wilson_Hick | 0 | 00:18:16 |
Just Vasya | 0 | 00:17:46 |
Evolution[Evil spirits] | 0 | 00:14:42 |
cockbomber2008 | 0 | 00:14:28 |
подходняк баржом | 2 | 00:06:39 |
Fedonyx | 0 | 00:05:34 |
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